Revolutionizing Healthcare Workshop
With the rise of CRISPR and other gene-editing technologies, how can we use them in novel ways to revolutionize healthcare?
With our main focus on fostering innovative thinking among youth, our team hosted a workshop that explored this very question. We got students to think about the different ways they could revolutionize healthcare through in-depth discussions with the founder and CEO of MitraBiotechnologies and EyeCane. Students were able to gain insight into leadership, seizing opportunities, and taking the initiative to improve healthcare. In addition to this interview, our workshop educators dissected a case study on how novel gene-editing technologies have been saving the lives of patients suffering from cystic fibrosis.
A big thank you to those who tuned in! We hope you're ready for your journey to becoming the next leader in healthcare!
Self-Care is Healthcare Workshop
In this workshop, students got the chance to explore the novel innovations scientists have been developing to improve the diagnostics of mental illnesses and disorders. This workshop allowed students to explore ground-breaking research in PTSD, technological advances to treat depression, find out how physiological processes are impacted by mental illnesses and hear a discussion on preventing burnout during the school year! Our guest speakers included:
Wale Shekete, a member of Talley. Talley is a popular mental wellness app that was featured on Forbes.
Paige Mathison, a mental health advocate and psychiatric nurse with over ten years of experience.
Dr. Jennifer Perusini, a neuroscientist, CEO, and Founder of Neurovation labs.

University Panel Webinar
Calling all high school students interested in applying for Ontario biology university programs! In light of Ontario University Fair being canceled, Generation Science will be hosting a virtual webinar for high school students to have one-on-one conversations with current Canadian university students. There will be an array of students from various biology programs such as biomedical science, microbiology, life science, etc. Learn what you need to know as an incoming university student and what to expect. Sign up to take advantage of this amazing opportunity!

Summer Research Mentorship Program
Generation Science's Summer Research Mentorship Program is a 11-week long program that will take place in the summer where mentees will get the chance to explore a research project that they will design and experiment. As a mentor, you will help guide students through the research process.